Tiba Tempeh - Organic Soy-Marinated Tempeh Pieces, 200g


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Tiba Tempeh - Organic Soy-Marinated Tempeh Pieces, 200g
Tiba Tempeh - Organic Soy-Marinated Tempeh Pieces, 200g - back

Tiba Tempeh - Organic Soy-Marinated Tempeh Pieces, 200g

Brand - Tiba Tempeh
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Quick Description

Try Tiba Tempeh Organic Soy-Marinated Tempeh Pieces for a tasty, nutritious, and easy meal. High in protein and fibre, and 100% natural - yum!

Key Information

  • High in protein
  • High in fibre
  • Live cultures
  • 100% Natural
  • Organic

Product Overview

Love tempeh or still to try it? Either way, you’ll love Tiba Tempeh Organic Soy-Marinated Tempeh Pieces! A great balance of sweet and savoury, it’s flavoured with soy sauce and rice vinegar. Perfect when you don’t have time to marinate tempeh yourself! Great for salads, stir fry, warps, and more.


Soybeans*, Water, Sunflower Oil*, Marinade (sugar*, water, soy sauce*, salt, rice vinegar*, tapioca flour*), Culture (inoculum).

Allergens: Soya.