• Vegan Energy Drinks vs. Soda: Unveiling the Key Differences

    Vegan Energy Drinks vs. Soda: Unveiling the Key Differences

    The world has really been embracing energy drinks recently. Sodas, in addition, is having one of the worst spells in...

  • Understanding Nutritional Aspects: Vegan Cheese vs. Regular Cheese

    Understanding Nutritional Aspects: Vegan Cheese vs. Regular Cheese

    The thing about cheese is that most people in the world really like cheese. There are so many cultures where...

  • Mastering the Art of Vegan Food Combinations for Optimal Health

    Mastering the Art of Vegan Food Combinations for Optimal Health

    There is a lot being said about food these days. There are so many ‘professionals’ who claim that their diet...

  • What is Soya Milk? Taste, Ingredients, Uses & Best Soya Products

    What is Soya Milk? Taste, Ingredients, Uses & Best Soya Products

    Have you ever wondered what is Soya Milk? Soya Milk is a plant-based milk that is made from Soybeans. Soya...

  • What Are Vegan Probiotics? Best Probiotics For Vegans

    What Are Vegan Probiotics? Best Probiotics For Vegans

    If you’re a health-conscious person living in today’s world then you will probably have heard of probiotics. There are a...

  • Top Vegan Dog Food Brands: Nourishing Your Canine Companion

    Top Vegan Dog Food Brands: Nourishing Your Canine Companion

    The vast majority of vegans are bound to love dogs. Dogs are the best pet companions for humans in our...

  • Can Dogs Be Vegan? Everything You Need To Know

    Can Dogs Be Vegan? Everything You Need To Know

    Being a dog owner is one of the most rewarding things a person can do. These little fluffy things are...

  • Veganuary and Beyond: How to Sustain a Vegan Lifestyle During January?

    Veganuary and Beyond: How to Sustain a Vegan Lifestyle During January?

    The turn of the year tends to be a time to try out new things. This can be a new...

  • Green Friday: Eco-Friendly Vegan Shopping for Black Friday

    Green Friday: Eco-Friendly Vegan Shopping for Black Friday

    At PlantX, we are always trying to live more sustainably. Sometimes this feels like an impossible task. However, over the...

  • World Vegan Day and Health: Exploring the Nutritional Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

    World Vegan Day and Health: Exploring the Nutritional Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

    It’s coming up to World Vegan Day on the 1st of November! Whether you’re taking this time to reflect on...

  • Discovering The Best Teas For Anxiety & Stress: From Cup to Calm

    Discovering The Best Teas For Anxiety & Stress: From Cup to Calm

    The modern world can be a bit of a stressful place. With contemporary society, culture, and technology seemingly being adverse...

  • Energize and Revitalize: Discovering the Remarkable Benefits of Kombucha Tea

    Energize and Revitalize: Discovering the Remarkable Benefits of Kombucha Tea

    You’ve probably heard of this drink that is taking the world by storm, but you might not know why it...

  • Is Coffee Vegan? Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Best Vegan Coffee

    Is Coffee Vegan? Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Best Vegan Coffee

    We love coffee. Coffee is one of those incredible gifts from nature that we’re not quite sure how we could...

  • What Cereals Are Vegan? A Guide to Choosing the Best Vegan Cereal Brands

    What Cereals Are Vegan? A Guide to Choosing the Best Vegan Cereal Brands

    Cereal is one of the modern world’s greatest food creations. It is the perfect morning food. It’s relatively light, sweet,...

  • Plant-Based Revolution: How The Industry Is Transforming The Food Landscape

    Plant-Based Revolution: How The Industry Is Transforming The Food Landscape

    The plant-based and vegan food industry is booming. Since being a fringe ideology and diet a few decades ago, this...