Westlab - Cleansing Himalayan Bath Salt, 1kg

Westlab - Cleansing Himalayan Bath Salt, 1kg

Brand - Westlab
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Quick Description

Westlab’s Cleansing Himalayan Bath Salt is 100% natural, vegan and cruelty-free. A great everyday solution for radiant skin, suitable for all skin types.

Key Information 

  • Natural Himalayan Bath Salts
  • 100% vegan & cruelty-free
  • Over 80 minerals
  • 100% natural
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Recyclable packaging

Product Overview

The key to good skin starts from within with the right hydration and nutrition. But if you are looking for a natural boost, why don’t you try implementing a special bath ritual with Westlab’s Cleansing Himalayan Bath Salt? Designed to leave you feeling refreshed and glowing, your skin is about to be transformed!

Suitable for all skin types, the Himalayan salt used in these Bath Salts are the purest salt on earth. Naturally detoxifying, Westlab uses the finest Himalayan salt for the best radiant skin experience. For a 100% natural deep skin cleaning, Westlab takes care of your skin’s natural barrier.

Westlab Himalayan Bath Salt contains over 80 minerals. These include essential skin minerals like magnesium, sodium and potassium. 

These Bath Salts are premium-grade and responsibly sourced.

Directions For Use 

Add salts to a warm bath (37-39°C is recommended).
Take time to relax and soak for at least 20 minutes. For regular skin health, use 100-250g (1/2-1 cup) up to 3 times per week. For a more intense cleansing experience, use 500g-1Kg (2-4 cups) once a month. Mix with other bath salts, oils and foams according to your preference.

Key precautions: Advice with a healthcare professional before use if you are pregnant, or breastfeeding.


Sodium Chloride

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does Himalayan salt come from?

Himalayan salt is mined in the Himalayan mountains, mainly in Pakistan. 250 million years ago, the Himalayas were being formed and ancient oceans deposited the salts within the mountains. The salt beds were covered by lava, ice, and snow for millions of years. It is believed that the Himalayan salt is the purest salt on earth- because they are supposedly free of pollutants. 

This salt has a different colour shade depending on the content of trace minerals, which include potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium.