Suma - Tapioca Flour, 500g Multiple Options

Suma - Tapioca Flour, 500g - front
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Suma - Tapioca Flour, 500g Multiple Options

Brand - Suma
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Quick Description

Suma’s Tapioca Flour is an essential baking grocery for thickening sauces, binding ingredients together, replacing gluten flour and making desserts. 

Key information

  • For thickening, binding, replacing gluten flour and making tasty desserts
  • Gluten-free
  • Made from starch of the Cassava plant
  • Organic

Product overview

Suma’s Tapioca Flour is one of those baking groceries that’s good to keep in the cupboard in case your sauce, soup or stew needs to be made thicker and glossier. 

A magical thickening and binding agent, Tapioca Flour can be added to stir-fries, sauces, jams, gravy, dressings, baked goods and many, many more to improve texture and thickness.

Pretty much tasteless and odourless, there’s no need to worry about Tapioca Flour ruining the delicately balanced flavours of your cooking. 

Naturally gluten-free, Tapioca Flour is derived from the starch of the Cassava plant: a tube root vegetable similar to a sweet potato. Use Suma’s Tapioca Flour alongside other gluten-free flours to whip up light, structurally sound baking delights!

With the rest of Suma’s products, this Tapioca Flour is 100% organic and contains no artificial flavours or additives whatsoever. Just the good stuff. 


Tapioca flour

Frequently asked questions

How do I use Suma’s Tapioca Flour to thicken sauces?

Easy - either just whisk a spoonful of Tapioca Flour into the sauce you’d like to thicken, or alternatively, mix a spoonful of tapioca with warm water in a separate container till it makes a kind of paste, and whisk this into the sauce instead. The latter method avoids lumps of tapioca cooking in the sauce and forming unwanted accidental dumplings!