Cocofina - Organic Coconut Milk (Regular & Light), 400ml

Cocofina - Organic Coconut Milk (Regular & Light), 400ml

Brand - Cocofina
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Quick Description

This delicious and light coconut milk is ideal for adding to curries, smoothies and soups. It’s a perfect alternative to dairy milk and is 100% organic.

Key Information

  • Organic
  • Perfect dairy milk substitute
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Sustainably sourced

Product Overview

This lovely light coconut milk is an ideal substitute to any dairy milk. Rich in antioxidants, the organic coconut milk is perfect for making curries, soups, stews, milkshakes and smoothies. Made simply by grinding the coconut flesh with water and passing it through a fine filter, the coconut milk is naturally gluten-free.

Coconut milk is rich in healthy fats making it a perfect addition to any hot beverage. Try using it as a perfect accompaniment to a steaming hot coffee!

There are many potential health benefits associated with coconut milk. Apart from the high level of antioxidants, it may help with weight loss. It is also thought to help prevent heart disease as well as strengthen the immune system.

Known to also improve hair and skin health, coconut milk contains high fats which in turn acts as a moisture retainer for skin and reduces itchiness and dandruff when applied to the scalp.

In addition to the beauty benefits of coconut milk, it may also help reduce inflammation of the joints for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or lupus arthritis.

Coconut milk also promotes healthy gut health as it contains good levels of Zinc - a mineral that contributes to the renewal of cells in the lining of the stomach.


Water, organic coconut (46%)

Frequently Asked Questions

In What Way Can I Add Coconut Milk To My Meals When Cooking?

There are many dishes you can add coconut milk to. One of the best meals you can taste the delicious coconut flavour is in a tasty spicy curry with fresh lemongrass, ginger and a medley of mouth-watering vegetables. What about a coconut rice dish to complement the spicy curry?