Xylitol - Natural Sweetener

Xylitol - Natural Sweetener

Brand - Xylitol UK
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Quick Description

Xylitol is the perfect sugar substitute. Not only is it a natural sweetener but it is low carb, low calorie and gluten-free!

Key Information

  • Natural sweetener
  • Low Carb
  • Low Calorie
  • GMO-Free
  • No bitter aftertaste

Product Overview

Xylitol natural sweetener is an ideal replacement for sugar. It has 40% less calories than sugar, 75% less carbs than sugar, and 100% less guilt!

It is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that is utilised in toothpaste, gum and sweets. Found in a range of fruits and vegetables, in corn cobs and in the birch tree, it is extracted to make this sweetener. The sweetness of Xylitol is almost exactly the same as sugar but with far fewer calories!

Xylitol’s sweetener has not been found to cause tooth decay and as such, can be seen in larger quantities in certain oral products. It also doesn’t appear to affect blood sugars.

Another valuable point is that there is also no bitter aftertaste which can happen with some other sweeteners. Due to the fact that there are few calories and carbohydrates, the Xylitol may aid with weight loss for those who have a sweet tooth!

Xylitol is one of the few approved sweeteners in the UK and has undergone rigorous EU testing.



In what way can I use Xylitol?

You can use Xylitol in the same way as you would use sugar. Add it to cereals, cakes, desserts, hot drinks, over fruit or when you’re baking. Because it is natural and low in carb and calories, it is a perfect substitute for sugar. You can safely consume around 10 grams of Xylitol per day and can be replaced with sugar in a 1:1 ratio.