The Health Store - Organic Soya Beans, 500g Multiple Options

The Health Store - Organic Soya Beans, 500g
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The Health Store - Organic Soya Beans, 500g Multiple Options

Brand - The Health Store
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Quick Description

The Health Store Organic Soya Beans are a real super food; protein packed with vitamins and minerals. If you’re serious about nutrition then these are for you!

Key Information

  • 500g pack
  • Complete protein
  • High levels of vitamins and minerals
  • Good source of fibre
  • Organic

Product Overview

Getting enough protein from a vegan diet has never been so easy with The Health Store’s Organic Soya Beans. Soya beans have been a dietary staple in the Asian continent for thousands of years. They’ve recently started gaining notoriety in the west - and for good reason! 

Soy beans are brimming with vitamins and minerals, including calcium, iron and folate. Adding The Health Store’s Organic Soya Beans to any recipe will immediately up your health game. Use them as a low-card substitute for chickpeas in falafel or in salads for a keto-friendly meal.

Soak overnight in the fridge or boil according to cooking instructions. Add to soups, stews or even curries for an absolutely delicious meal guaranteed to satisfy and meet those macros!


Organic Soya Beans

Allergens: Soy

Frequently Asked Questions

Are soya beans good for you?

Soya beans are believed to have many benefits and are full of protein, fibre and all sorts of vitamins and minerals. The Health Store’s Organic Soya Beans are also organic so there are no added preservatives and no synthetic pesticides are used in the growing process.