Billington's - Golden Icing Sugar, 500g

Billington's - Golden Icing Sugar, 500g

Brand - Billington's
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Quick Description

A bag of Billingtons’ Golden Icing Sugar can help you make those wonderful icing, frosting, and buttercream that your baking recipes are screaming for.

Key Information

  • For making icing or frosting
  • Ideal for buttercream
  • Use it for baking

Product Description

Confectioner’s sugar, powdered sugar, or icing sugar… No matter what you call it, this one from Billingtons is all you need. To ensure it lasts longer in storage, keep it in an airtight container away from damp surfaces.


Icing Sugar, Anti-Caking Agent: Tricalcium Phosphate

Produced in a factory which uses Eggs