BetterYou - Iron Daily Oral Spray Multiple Options

Better You - Iron Daily Oral Spray - Iron 5 (5mg)
Better You - Iron Daily Oral Spray - Iron 10 (10mg)
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BetterYou - Iron Daily Oral Spray Multiple Options

Brand - BetterYou
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Quick Description

BetterYou Iron Oral Spray is a supplement designed for efficient absorption of iron through the inner cheek so you can take iron without digestive discomfort.

Key Information

  • 5mg of iron per 4 sprays
  • Does not cause digestive discomfort
  • Fast absorbing, convenient
  • 1 bottle = 48 doses (4 sprays per dose)
  • With delicious natural baked apple flavour

Product Overview

BetterYou Iron Oral Spray is an oral iron supplement designed for faster absorption and easy administration.

Unlike tablets, this oral spray utilizes microdroplets to allow iron absorption through the mouth, reducing instances of iron-related intestinal discomfort while improving nutrient intake.

Why do we need iron? Iron is an essential component of haemoglobin and is vital for oxygen transport. For some, it can be challenging to meet the daily requirements for iron through a normal diet, and supplementation may be beneficial.

Is this supplement for you? The people who are at higher risk for iron deficiency are those who:

  • Have malabsorption problems
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Experience heavy periods
  • Are following a strict plant-based diet

Directions for use

Taking this iron oral spray is easy. Just spray directly into your mouth, and hold for a few seconds.
The recommended dosage is 4 sprays per day, equivalent to 5 mg, but may be adjusted according to your doctor’s orders.
Since this supplement does not cause intestinal problems, you can take it any time of the day, with or without meals.


Water, sucrose, Sodium Ferric EDTA, ferric ammonium citrate, preservative: potassium sorbate, natural baked apple flavour, sweetener: stevia.

Frequently Asked Questions

The formula has sugar, is it safe for diabetics?

In short, yes.

The sugar in the formula was added to improve the taste of the oral spray as iron has a strong flavour profile that most people would find off-putting. Adding sugar helps improve the taste so taking the supplement becomes a more pleasant experience. Combining sugar with stevia allows the use of very little sugar—equivalent to 5 grains, which is overall safe for people following a diabetic diet.