Higher Living - Organic Sweet Chai, 15 Bags Pack of 4

Higher Living - Organic Sweet Chai, 15 Bags
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Higher Living - Organic Sweet Chai, 15 Bags Pack of 4

Brand - Higher Living
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Quick Description

Kickstart your day with a cup of Higher Living Organic Sweet Chai! It’s sweet, spicy, and fragrant – the perfect all-natural tea drink to wake your senses.

Key Information

  • Contains 15 unbleached tea bags
  • A delicate balance of sweet and spicy flavours
  • Organic ingredients

Product Overview

Higher Living Organic Sweet Chai is made with organic liquorice, peppermint, ginger, and high-quality herbs and spices. It boasts a deliciously sweet, minty, and spicy blend of flavours – the perfect morning cup to jumpstart your day! It also contains 15 unbleached tea bags.


Liquorice* (21%), Fennel*, Anise*, Peppermint* (20%), Ginger* (19%), Cardamom* (5%), Cloves* (5%), Black Pepper* (5%)

*Organic Ingredients