Dr. Karg - Organic Crispbread, 200g Pack of 8 Multiple Flavours

Dr. Karg - Organic Crispbread, 200g Pack of 8 Multiple Flavours

Brand - Dr. Karg
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Quick Description

Dr. Karg’s Organic Crispbreads are full of wholegrain and seedy goodness. Enjoy them as a tasty and healthy snack or as part of a meal.

Key Information

  • High in Fibre 
  • Premium Wholegrains
  • Organic
  • No Added Sugar or Fats
  • All Natural Ingredients
  • No Preservatives or Additives

Product Overview

These delicious Organic Crispbreads from Dr. Kang pack a satisfying crunch. Filled with whole grains and seeds they are a natural source of fibre, B vitamins, antioxidants, and vitamin E.

Not only does Dr. Kang’s Organic Crispbreads keep your tastebuds to be happy, but they can also be an exceptional addition to a vegan cheeseboard and more! Dip them into a hearty soup, or break them up and add them to a salad for added texture and nutrition.

Keep somewhere cool and dry.

Organic Crispbread: Seeded Spelt

Made with a nutrient-rich whole grain, spelt, and a mixture of sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and linseeds, these Crispbreads are full of vegan goodness

Spelt pairs really well with sweet tastes as well as savoury ones; so, we think you’ll love Dr. Kang’s Seeded Spelt Crispbread with Vego’s Organic Fine Hazelnut Chocolate Spread. This combo is a divine snack that’s sweet, creamy, crunchy and has a dash of salt to elevate all the flavours.

Organic Crispbread: Wholegrain Classic 3-Seed

These Organic Crispbreads are made with healthy wholegrain wheat and Dr. Kang’s signature combination of sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and linseeds. We recommend pairing these crispbreads with I Am Nut Ok’s NeroMinded Black Truffle Cheese and Biona’s Organic Ruby Sauerkraut for a seriously classy snack or starter.


Organic Crispbread: Seeded Spelt

Wholegrain spelt flour (55%), sunflower seeds (16%), sesame seeds (6%), spelt flour (6%), oats, extra virgin olive oil (3%), linseeds (3%), sea salt (2%), yeast, barley malt extract.

Allergens: Spelt, Sesame, Oats, Barley,

Organic Crispbread: Wholegrain Classic 3-Seed

Wholegrain wheat flour, sunflower seeds (11%), sesame seeds (10%), linseeds (6%), oats, sea salt, yeast, barley malt extract.

Allergens: Wheat, Sesame, Oats, Barley.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I eat with Dr Karg’s Organic Crispbread to get a complete protein?

Dr Karg’s Organic Crispbreads are made with whole grains. Whole grains contain many, but not all, of the nine essential amino acids the body needs to make protein. However, combining whole grains with legumes provides all of these amino acids.

So, why not eat Dr. Kang’s Organic Crispbreads with Suma’s Tuscan Bean Soup? It’s a tasty meal and all the vegan protein you need!